Friday 1 May 2020



I see this is a fantastic opportunity to give our hair a break from heated appliances, if you are anything like me and use heat almost every day in regular life - your hair will appreciate the break. Treat your hair with hair masks before each shower and try to wash your hair less frequently – this will allow more time for it to be left alone. I have been using the Loreal Dream Lengths hair mask, you can simply leave it on ten minutes before your shower, although I tend to leave it on longer. I feel that it is making my hair feel thicker and look shinier after using it every week.

Now, I’m not saying I have gone cold turkey on the heated appliances, when I wash my hair twice a week I allow my hair to air dry for a short while before I finish drying it it off with the use of a hairdryer, I usually dry it straight and only if it looks frizzy will I run the straighteners over it, but only once – there isn’t a special occasion to go to (apart from maybe the facetime catch-ups). Aside from that, I have come up with several no heat hairstyles for days in-between hair wash days. I will share these in a separate post!


I think it is fair to say we will all appreciate our nail technician and beauty therapist a little bit more after all this. In a bid to look presentable, here is what I have been doing:


I’ve been on a journey with my eyebrows, after like a lot of us did overplucking and ruining them in my teen years, I have finally got them to a place that I am happy with. In the last 3 years, I have been having them waxed and tinted, and letting them grow to be thick and be able to achieve an arch shape – that we all desire. Nowadays, I avoid touching my eyebrows with tweezers at all between appointments. I don’t want to ruin the work my beauty therapist has achieved, so as I’m not able to see her during this time but still want to somewhat maintain them, I simply brush my eyebrows into place using an eyebrow brush and very carefully pluck the hairs that are obviously out of place. I feel this makes them look neat and presentable until my next appointment. I have seen some people have tinted their own eyebrows at home, this is something I may look in to. Is there a tinting brand you would recommend?


After having acrylic nails and then SNS on my nails for the past 4 years, the idea of not having these and having to do my own nails seemed daunting. I remember I previously bought (and hadn’t used) a gel kit, complete with the perfect nude colour and professional LED lamp.
To achieve an at-home manicure I started by soaking the SNS off my nails, which was easier than I expected. I did so by using acetone nail polish remover on balls of cotton wool, placing them on each nail and wrapping them in strips of cut kitchen foil, I let them soak for 30 minutes before scrapping the SNS off with my cuticle pusher, and filing away any excess.
To use the gel kit was simple. To use it you simply file your nails to the desired shape, I went for short and round. Apply the base coat polish, put this under the lamp for 30 seconds. Apply your colour polish, I applied 3 coats for this nude, drying each coat under the lamp for 30 seconds each time. Before finally applying the top coat polish, I left this under the lamp for 60 seconds to ensure it was set. Before wiping it away with a cotton pad. This is the perfect isolation activity!


This unknown time can be stressful, and you may be indulging in extra sweet treats (I’ve been baking every other day), this can show on our skin and lead to extra breakouts. To protect our skin, we should give it some extra TLC. I am lucky enough to have a draw full of various sheet masks, my favourites are the Garnier moisture bomb tissue mask and I love the range that Sephora do – I have collected a number of their face and eye masks on trips abroad, as unfortunately, they are not available in the UK. If you cant access a store to buy a facemask and don’t have any at home, this is a great homemade face mask recipe, that you can make with ingredients that you’re likely to already have in your kitchen.

What you need:
- 1 tablespoon of manuka honey.
- ½ teaspoon of Dead Sea salt.
- ½ teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel.

How to use it:
  1. Measure out and thoroughly combine the ingredients.
  2. Use a flat make-up brush to apply the thick mixture over your face, avoiding your eyes, eyebrows and lips.
  3. Leave the mask on for around 15 minutes.
  4. Wash the mask away with warm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel. Patting your face dry with a microfibre cloth, this will prevent your skin from becoming irritated and red.

Honey is a beneficial ingredient to use in a homemade face mask. It is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to calm, soothe and soften your skin.

I hope these tips help with your isolation beauty maintenance; the salons will be open before we know it!

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